Lesson 3

In this lesson you'll learn:
- How to say that something is yours
- The singular possessive pronoun
 - The present tense of -jan verbs

Lesson 3

It is necessary to use words like "my" and "your" to say that someone possesses something. These words are personal pronouns. Let's look at the declension of  the masculine singular form:

  • my = meins
  • your (singular) = þeins
  • his = is
  • her = izos
  • our = unsar
  • your (dual) = igqar
  • your (plural) = izwar
  • their (masc. or neur.) = ize
  • their (fem.) = izo
Only a few of these are declined, words like "izos" and "is" always stay the same, but "meins", "þeins", "unsar", "igqar" and "izwar" are declined like strong A-stem adjectives.

The singular forms are like this, given in the order masculine / feminine / neuter:

  • Nom. = meins / meina / mein
  • Gen. = meinis / meinaizos / meinis
  • Dat. = meinamma / meinai / meinamma
  • Acc. = meinana / meina / mein
Try to learn these by heart. If you want to say "my king", you would say "meins þiudans", because þiudans is masculine nominative singular, which is meins.

"Of my king" would be "meinis þiudanis".



You can't say much if you just know the verb "to be". The verb "to write" is "meljan" in Gothic, and is a weak i jan-verb. Let's look at the present tense, if you forgot the personal pronouns, go back to lesson 1:

  • Ik melja
  • Þu meleis
  • Is/si/ita meleiþ
  • Wit meljos
  • Weis meljam
  • Jut meljats
  • Jus meleiþ
  • Eis/ijos/ija meljand


to write = meljan (jan-verb i)
because = unte
I want = (ik) wiljau
after = afar + dat.
to speak = rodjan (jan-verb i)
to teach = talzjan (jan-verb i)
big = mikils (adj. A)
small = leitils (adj. A)
dog = hunds (m. A)
here = her
table = biuþs (m. A)
under = uf + dat. / undaro + dat. (less usual)
to serve = andbahtjan (jan-verb i) + dat.
to look for, to seek = sokjan (jan-verb i)
to wonder = sildaleikjan (jan-verb i)
still = nauh
suddenly = anaks

again = aftra

Reading text:

Meins þiudans ist ana wiga, jah is hunds ist her undaro biuda. 
Sa þiudans rodeiþ miþ skalka is: "Hwar ist meins hunds nu?"
Sa skalks andbahteiþ þamma þiudana, jah sokeiþ þana (the) hund, iþ nauh sildaleikeiþ hwar sa hunds nu ist.
"Sa hunds ist jainar! Uf biuda", rodeiþ sa skalks anaks.

Sa þiudans jah sa hunds aftra sind samana.

1. What is under the table? A helmet?
2. The big dog is looking for the soldier, but the soldier isn't here.
3. The king teaches to serve.
4. And again he wonders where the soldier with the helmet is.
5. He serves the king, but the king doesn't serve him.

1. Hwa ist uf biuda? Hilms?
2. Mikils hunds sokeiþ gadrauht, iþ sa gadrauhts nist her.
3. Þiudans talzeiþ andbahtjan.
4. Jah aftra (is) sildaleikeiþ hwar gadrauhts miþ hilma ist.
5. Is andbahteiþ þiudana, iþ sa þiudans ni andbahteiþ imma.


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